Monday, July 1, 2013

Story of my lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

So the other day I had a dream that I got bit by a snake. Usually, I don't know if it's just for Hmong people... but it usually means the one who got bit is pregnant! How wonderful would that be!! LOL. If only it was that easy. So ever since that stupid dream, I've been having what they call "False Pregnancy" symptoms. A lot of women who are trying to get pregnant normally suffer most from this. They get basically all the symptoms of pregnancy, but they aren't pregnant. Mind tricks.... GrrRrrrr. My husband and I were going back and forth.... oh my gosh, I feel like this and like this. My husbands response, you're preggers! I'm like no wayyyy! But a part of me is like oooOOoo AM I!!!? I mean it happened once... it could happen AGAIN! Went to Walgreen's and came straight home..... as frustrating as the results were. I was content. Sad, but at least I know that I am not pregnant.


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